Thursday, February 21, 2008

Half way through

OK, they really need a beer tent here. But, I guess that's probably for the VIP lounge. We are half way through the debate and I have watched a number of these before. The thought just occured to me that these things are a joke. What the fuck? We are hiring someone for a job that lasts four years and we have them talk about a subject for five minutes or less? This is absurd. Hillary and Obama say about the same thing. Obama seems a little tired, Hillary's eyes look like she is on happy pills.

So, they talked about Castro and if they will talk to Cuba now that he is fading away. It seems to me that talking to Cuba can't be much worse than talking to the current resident of the White House. Do we still fear a communist invasion? Or do they just fear loosing the Anti-Castro Cuban voter block.

Now the break is on and all the journalists are getting up to take a leak. Our screen has gone blank. We don't even get to see what goes on during the commercial break.

"We need to end George Bush's was on science," Hillary said. "We've got to go back kto being the innovation nation." When she said that, many of the journalists laughed. Our science edge came from the brain drain in other parts of the world, not to mention Operation Paperclip, where the CIA brought in NAZI scientists to work on our space program and gave them immunity for their war crimes.

And then they talked about immigration, and fences around the US. I heard the Bush family owns some fence companies. I wonder if it is true.

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