Thursday, February 21, 2008

CNN Debate, Austin, Tex. 2/21/08

So, they denied me credentials for the LA Republican Debate, but I managed to pursued them to let me into this one in Austin. I've got a little kit they gave me (and everyone) with UT stuff, like a tot bag, ink pens, some snacks, a CNN note book and other crap.
CNN 014

This is where I am now, the filing room. They stuck me over with the NY Times and some international media. I thought for sure I would be stuck at the table in the other room labeled "High School" but I managed to graduate from that place.

The first thing I did after getting my spot, which actually took a while, because they didn't remember where I was, was to get some food.
CNN 017

After eating a couple tacos, I had a few more, pictured below.

CNN 018

I am filing another story on my news site, after this. I have some footage of outside.

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